A home for siblings
From our personal experience, we know the trauma caused by separation of a sibling can be devastating to a young person.
Positif Care we understands the importance of family..
We are very aware that often siblings are separated within the care system due to the availability of placements that can accommodate them together.
We are in the process of developing a residential home which will provide sibling placements. This will be a residential home for up to two siblings who need to live together and will provide a family environment where their relationship can be supported and maintained.
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Positive intervention
We will be opening an assessment home in the coming months.
This will be a shorter-term placement which will provide intensive intervention for challenging behaviours. Young people placed at the home will have a thorough assessment conducted by the staff team and a clinical therapist.
This assessment will help to inform future placement planning and will provide an overview of the young person’s needs going forward. Following the assessment period, young people whose needs can be met by Positif Care may have the option to move to one of our solo placement homes.
The staff team who has worked with the young person during the assessment will move to the longer-term home with the young person to ensure that the positive relationships that they have built can continue and to provide consistency and continuity for the young person.